Designing a visualization tool to aid operators in decision making for manual interventions on assembly-line based processes
After the rise of industry 4.0, there have been major in-
novation to monitor the status of production processes
amongst a plethora of industries. These innovations
however, have mostly been aimed at monitoring pro-
cesses and machines to convey their status, efficiency
and technical problems, but failed to take into account
the human element of decision making based on the
information presented. Therefore, this research focuses
on developing a visual aid to assist operators in the
decision making process when executing manual in-
terventions. A deeper understanding is gained on the
information required by machine operators, their men-
tal representations of expected information, and the
type of decision making process that is applied. Using
this newly acquired knowledge, several designs for a
possible solution are brought forward, and their im-
plementations benefits are discussed. We have found
that a solid implementation can reduce stress in ma-
chine operators whilst also increasing their efficiency.
Further possible advancements based on the opinions
of machine operators, stakeholders and other experts
are discussed, and can provide a solid basis for further