Teruggetrokken gedrag leidt tot negatieve nonverbale communicatie onder adolescenten. Waarheid of leugen?
Aim: Limited social skills can result in negative feedback from others, withdrawn behaviour,
depression and peer rejection. This study investigates the difference between the nonverbal
behaviour of socially withdrawn and non-socially withdrawn adolescents, whether female and
male adolescents differ in their nonverbal behaviour, and whether the amount of depressive
symptoms affect the nonverbal behavior of adolescents. Method: The study consisted of 78
high school students who are aged between 13 and 19 years (M = 15,77; SD = 1.15). The
participants were divided into couples and were videotaped during a 5-minute conversation
about several social dilemma’s. Withdrawn behaviour and depressive symptoms were
determined by questionnaires. Results: The results show that male adolescents use significant
more negative nonverbal behavior than female adolescents. By contrast, female adolescents
use more positive nonverbal. Dat vloeit vanzelf voort uit de vorige opmerking. No difference
is found in the nonverbale communication between socially withdrawn and non-socially
withdrawn adolescents. As well, adolescents with a high amount of depressive symptoms did
not differ in their nonverbale communication with regard to adolescents with a low amount of
depressive symptoms. Conclusion: This study highlights the importance and impact of taking
into account gender differences in the nonverbal communication of adolescents during