On secret sharing-based classical and quantum multi-party computation
Secure multi-party computation (MPC) is a cryptographic primitive that lets a num- ber N of mutually distrustful parties compute a function f (x1, . . . , xN ) on their private inputs xi such that at the end of the MPC protocol, each honest party obtains the func- tion’s correct output and no adversary controlling a certain subset of parties learns any- thing about the honest parties’ inputs beyond what can be inferred from the function’s output value. In 2002, [Smi01] and [CGS02] introduced the notion of multi-party quan- tum computation (MPQC) in which arbitrary quantum circuits can be evaluated in a distributed manner, secure against a quantum adversary. Few protocols for MPQC are known. We present a fundamental study of the building blocks of MPC and MPQC in the information-theoretic setting with a focus on protocols built on top of (quantum) se- cret sharing schemes. In particular, we point out structural similarities and differences and compile an extensive list of theoretical feasibility results for the maximum number of corrupted parties within classical and quantum secret sharing and MPC protocols.