Waardenconflicten op de werkvloer: Een kwalitatief onderzoek naar de rol van persoonlijke- en groepswaarden in de besluitvorming van werknemers.
When employees experience conflicting values at an organizational level, both personal values as well as group values play a role in employee decision-making. This research had two goals. The first was to give more clearity in the exact role that personal values and group values can play in decision-making. The second goal was to explore how employees use their personal- and group values when making decisions in situations with conflicting organizational values. By conducting 15 semi-structured interviews, evidence was found for the relative high weight of group values in decision-making at the cost of personal values. Against expectations the personal values only seemed to have an indirect influence on employee decision-making in situations with conflicting organizational values. The scientific and practical implications of these findings are also discussed.