Transfer of patient information in relation to person-centred care: A qualitative study from the perspective of nursing home staff.
Background: Person-centred care (PCC) is praised as an effective solution to current challenges like ageing populations, increasing prevalence of chronic diseases and the spread of unhealthy lifestyles. The transfer between health care providers is essential for its success. Because of the fact that PCC consists of a person related approach, lots of information concerning an individual patient has to be transferred. It is questionable if the daily practise of transfer of patient information fits with the complexity of PCC. Furthermore, little is known about the perspective of nursing home staff in relation to this crucial transfer of patient information towards PCC.
Aim: This study aims to investigate the transfer of patient information between completing and commencing shifts in relation to PCC from the perspective of nursing home staff.
Methods: A generic, qualitative study was conducted. An interview guide was used to structure the interviews. Data collection and thematic analysis took place iteratively.
Results: Nine providers were interviewed. Three main themes emerged from the analysis: knowing the patient, provider’s present knowledge of the patient and transfer of patient information.
Conclusion and implications of key findings: Knowing the patient is a prerequisite to offer PCC. This extent in knowing depends on the providers’ present knowledge about the patient and the content of the transfer of patient information. The needs of the nursing home staff concerning the transfer of patient information, and therewith the possibilities of executing PCC, is shaped by the differences in their present knowledge about the patient. To succeed in an effective transfer and meet the individual wishes from the staff, a clear guideline concerning the transfer and an enhanced usability of the electronic patient record is required.