Towards automated communication training: Fine-tuning deep contextualized embeddings
TrainTool is a web-app where trainees can train their communication skills.
This training is done by recording the trainee’s response to a video and evaluate that recording on a certain criterion. Automating the evaluation of these responses would make the system more efficient. To effectively run an automated communication training system, a classifier to evaluate criterion-user-input-pairs is necessary. As deep neural networks enabled text classification to reach new heights, this research aims to test if Google’s pre-trained neural model BERT can be fine-tuned to effectively classify the criterion-transcription-pairs. This novel task is called criterion-transcription-evaluation. Since this task is inherently different than tasks in previous studies, this task is a novel application of text classification. A multilingual BERT model as well as a pre-trained Dutch BERT model called BERTje were fine-tuned for this task. Results show that both models outperformed the baselines. Next to that, BERTje has a slightly better performance than the multilingual BERT. A larger dataset and more computing power is needed to further fine-tune the model and gather results that are more representative of the possibilities of this classifier.