Gebruik van Sociale Media en Prosociaal Gedrag bij Tieners: Empathie als Mediator
Media often report negative consequences of social media use. However, the few studies available have shown that the use of social media can also have positive effects on teenagers. This study researches the relationship between the use of social media and prosocial behaviour, mediated by empathy among teenagers between the ages of 10 and 14 years old. The first hypothesis assumes there is a positive relationship between the use of social media and prosocial behaviour. The second hypothesis argues that this relationship is mediated by empathy. The data have been collected by questionnaires, using an online panel to approach participants (N = 1029). Results support both hypotheses, although the relationships are small. It can be concluded from this study that there is a positive relation between the use of social media and prosocial behaviour, mediated by empathy. For future research it would be interesting to look at the use of specific sorts of social media and specific activities on social media.