Verband tussen leeftijd en de stabiliteit in motivatie en mindset Lianne Hartings (5664845) Eerste beoordelaar: Dr. A. Oosterwegel Tweede beoordelaar: Prof. dr. B. Orobio de Castro Datum: 20-06-2019 Aantal woorden:
Adults considerably worry about the motivation of youth. Earlier research shows that motivation and mindset of adolescents are influenced by factors in their surroundings and personal factors. For this reason, the relationship between age and the stability of motivation and mindset in different contexts will be investigated. The Dweck Mindset Instrument and the Situation Motivation Scale are completed by respondents (N=134, age 18-57), in the contexts at school/work, at home and with friends. In this study, no relationship is found between age and stability of motivation, fixed mindset and growth mindset. However, a small to medium effect is found for the influence of age on a fixed mindset. Older respondents more often have a fixed mindset. Motivation and mindset did not differ between contexts. Possibly, the used vignettes, satisficing, personal effects and characteristics of the sample can clarify the absence of a relationship between age and the stability of motivation and mindset.