Here comes the sun? An analysis of the factors that may affect the level of social acceptance of large ground mounted solar PV projects among local stakeholders
A complete decarbonisation of the Dutch energy system is required to fulfil the Paris agreement climate targets. However, the Netherlands are lagging behind with their renewable energy development. Social acceptance by local stakeholders often poses a barrier for the development of renewable energy projects. Knowledge on the social acceptance processes of large ground mounted solar PV projects by local stakeholders is lacking, especially in the Netherlands. Therefore, this research project aims to provide insight in the factors that may affect the level of social acceptance of large ground mounted solar PV projects among local stakeholders. The practical aim is to produce concrete and applicable knowledge for key actors who are involved in these type of projects. Therefore the main research question guiding the project is: ‘’Which factors affect the extent to which large scale ground mounted solar PV projects are accepted by local stakeholders in the Netherlands?’’.
To answer this question, first a theoretical framework is designed of factors from the social acceptance literature on NIMBY (not in my back yard) and Community energy. This framework is examined in the Dutch practice to find out which factors affect the level of acceptance of large ground mounted solar PV projects among local stakeholders. The assessment is performed by means of a comparative case study design in which in-depth interviews with key actors are executed. Additionally, surveys are distributed among key actors involved in other large ground mounted solar PV projects in the Netherlands.
This has resulted in an empirically tested set of factors that may contribute to social acceptance of large ground mounted solar PV projects by local stakeholders in the Netherlands. Finally, these findings are converted into a list of recommendations for project managers, local governments, renewable energy developing companies and other key actors.