Konza Techno City and Its Impact on Surrounding Local Communities
This study investigates the how the Konza Techno City as a new planned city project and its buffer zone affect the local communities in the surrounding area of the project area. The focus of this study is to the two small towns namely Malili and Old Konza in surrounding area of Konza Techno City because the dynamic of Konza Techno City happen in the 10-km buffer zone area as the project area is still empty land or under construction. Thus, a comprehensive analysis should be on the traceback of the planning process and the livelihood condition in Malili and Old Konza. The initial analysis is based on the planning process including tracing the community participation in the planning process, the stakeholder's analysis, land use plan in the buffer zone area, and livelihood. With questionnaire survey, transect walks, and in-depth interview, this study tries to get the local communities’ awareness and perception of the project and compare it to the planning document and the reality of the project. The strong top-down approach on the planning process with the low degree of community participation makes the impact of Konza Techno City to surrounding local communities is inevitable. This study found that the Konza Techno City and its buffer zone affect local communities in Malili and Old Konza in certain ways and degree. There are two frame time, the current impact and the expected impact when the Konza Techno City has already built. The results show that the Konza Techno City and its buffer zone affect the local community in several aspects: access to the land, land speculation, the uncertainty of the buffer zone plan, and the opportunities to change livelihood strategy.