Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert Theory Of Spincurrent Transmission Through Ferromagnets
In this thesis we study the magnetic behavior of ferromagnet's (FM) and in particular
the behavior of so-called magnons or spin waves. Furthermore we study anti ferromagnet's
(AFM), with the ultimate goal of describing magnon spin transport through these systems.
First we will observe the magnetic dynamics of the FM semi classical and quantum mechanically.
Afterward we use collective coordinates to explore the behavior of the AFM close to
the classical equilibrium position. From there we turn back to the FM to investigate small
oscillations inside the bulk of an FM. After that we will expand our horizon and take a
look at the boundaries of the FM. Combined with the behavior of the bulk, this leads to an
expression for the spin current through the FM in terms of the spin accumulation entering
and leaving the FM.