Differential Susceptibility: De Longitudinale Samenhang Tussen Ouderlijke Steun en Delinquent Gedrag bij Adolescenten met het DRD4-7 Allel
The present study assessed the moderating role of the DRD4-7R allele on longitudinal consistency between parental support and delinquency. 416 families completed at set of questionnaires. It was expected that children with a DRD4-7R allele would display less delinquent behavior when they received a lot of parental support, than children without a DRD4-7R allele. As well as more delinquent behavior when they received less parental
support than children without a DRD4-7R allele. There was no significant main effect for the DRD4-7R allele and for parental support. The interaction between the DRD4-7R allele and parental support was not a significant predictor. No significantly different effects were found between boys and girls. These findings are in contrast with the differential susceptibility hypothesis.