Morphodynamics of bedforms in a supercritical-flow regime: a depth-resolved numerical modelling approach
Both open-channel flows and density currents are able to create supercritical-flow bedforms. The
morphodynamics of these supercritical-flow bedforms are, however, still poorly understood. This is
mainly due to a lack of measurements of flow processes occurring within these types of flows. Cyclic
steps have successfully been simulated in open-channel flow using a depth-resolved numerical
model. The equilibrium conditions at which certain supercritical-flow bedforms are stable are
investigated. The temporal variation in Froude number is indicative of at which conditions cyclic
steps are in a macroscopic equilibrium at a variability of grain sizes, discharges and sediment
concentrations. The depth-resolved model provides insight into the dynamic interaction between
velocity structure, shear stresses, and sediment concentrations within the flows and resulting erosion
and deposition patterns, which, in their turn affect the flow-properties again. The velocity structure
downstream of a hydraulic jump displays highest flow velocities near the bed, whilst lowest or even
negative velocities are located at the top of the flow, causing the flow to remain exerting shear
stresses on the bed even after the hydraulic jump. The sediment concentrations within the flow only
decrease after a 30 second, or half a meter lag, causing most of the deposition to take place at the
last two-thirds of subcritical region of the flow. The resulting depositional pattern consists of
upstream-dipping backset laminations deposited on the stoss-side of the bedform, cross-cut by the
erosive surface of the lee-side of the cyclic step, this interplay between erosion and deposition also
causes an upstream migration of the cyclic steps.