Dynamical Electroweak Symmetry Breaking with an Antisymmetric Tensor Field
The fundamental scalar Higgs models presents triviality, unnaturalness and vacuum stability issues, which make them unappealing from a theoretical point of view. In this work we study a model with an antisymmetric tensor field coupled to fermions via a ”B-Yukawa” term which, in analogy with Technicolor models, can provide a dynamical breaking of electro-weak symmetry through the formation of a fermion-antifermion condensate, giving masses to gauge bosons and fermions. We introduce a Lagrangian for the antisymmetric field which is instability free and compute a covariant propagator for it. Then, we evaluate the relevant Feynman diagrams for the calculation of the β function for the ”B-Yukawa” coupling, whose value must be negative for the formation of the fermion-antifermion condensate to be allowed. This value, however, has been found to be gauge dependent and further work is needed to see if this issue can be overcome somehow.