De Rol van een YouTube Community in het Proces van Genderidentiteitsvorming

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Lauwen, A.C.G.
Doorenmalen, K. van
Vissers, C.
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YouTube is one of the most popular social media platforms among adolescents and can be seen as an informal learning environment. More insight in how adolescents experience their learning development on YouTube will result in knowledge about the three forms of education. In this qualitative research we focus on subjectification. We have investigated how young people (12-20 years old) learn about gender identity within the YouTube community of Jessie Maya. The research is split up into three sub-questions. Firstly, it is investigated how the community of Jessie Maya contributes towards transferring norms and values surrounding gender identity. Secondly, how adolescents are forming their opinion about gender identity. Thirdly, it is investigated how adolescents develop their self-concept around their own gender identity. Twenty-seven participants have been interviewed. We have reached the following conclusions. The online community of Jessie Maya contributes significantly towards shaping personal norms and values of young people. Jessie Maya stimulates the transfer of knowledge and understanding about transgenderism, gender diversity and its daily application. Furthermore, data suggests that Jessie Maya's community has an appreciative influence on adolescents' opinion regarding gender identity. For the third sub-question, we conclude that Jessie Maya’s YouTube community contributes towards young peoples’ development of self-awareness and their own gender identity. This is achieved mainly through the openness of seeing gender as a construct and Jessie Maya’s message of being yourself. Ultimately, our main research question within this qualitative study can be answered by summing up the findings from the sub-questions and therefore we argue that her audience perceives her as a role model.