De Samenhang tussen Proceskwaliteit en het Aantal kinderen uit Achterstandsmilieus, voor Kinderopvang en Peuteropvang
Introduction. For children who are raised in families with a low SES and a migration background there is a big chance that at the age of two years, they already lag behind in cognitive and language skills. Good quality of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) can offer an opportunity to close this gap. But the question is: are the children with disadvantaged background represented in the high quality ECEC? Method. This research looked at the correlation between process quality and the number of children from families with low SES and migration background, in day-care and in pre-school. Data from the National Early Childhood Education and Care Quality Monitoring measurements (LLK) over 2017, 2018 and 2019 was used, in combination with CLASS Toddler observation scores. In this research 74 day-care centers and 91 pre-schools were investigated. Results. The results showed that there was no correlation between process quality and the number of children from families with low SES and migration background, in day-care and
in pre-school. The educational process quality was better for pre-schools, although the educational process quality was low till moderate for both day-care and pre-schools. Also the number of children from families with low SES and migration background was higher in pre-schools. Conclusion. This study concluded that children with disadvantaged backgrounds are not overrepresented in ECEC with low process quality. This may be due to the measures taken by the Dutch government to facilitate equal opportunities in ECEC. More research is recommended to confirm and to deepen this results.