Vroege en late leerlingen, rekenprestaties op de basisschool

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Dekker, E.M.
Hoed, E.R. van den
Winters, C.H.J.
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The objective of this research project is to discover whether there is a significant difference between children’s calculus scores depending on their school-entrance age. The hypothesis is that late students, whom enter school at a later age, will perform better than early students, whom enter school at an earlier age. The methods that have been used are two calculus tests, one measuring the level of numeracy and one measuring the degree in which this knowledge is automated. These tests were taken by students from groups 3, 4 and 6 on four different elementary schools. Results of these tests indicate that there is no difference between children based on school-entrance age. For group 6 there is a significant difference indicated on the automation test. It can be concluded that more research is needed to determine whether there truly is no relation between school-entrance age and children’s performance in school.