De samenhang van generaliseerde angststoornis, paniekstoornis, sociale fobie en verticale identiteitsintegratie met middelengebruik bij adolescenten
This article presents the relations of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Panic Disorder (PD), Social phobia (SP; as measured with the Screen for Child Anxiety related Emotional Disorders) and vertical identity integration (VII; as measured with the Spatial Continuity of Identity Questionnaire) with substance use (as measured with an experimental screening list) among adolescents, taking sex into account as a moderating factor.
The sample size included 1509 Dutch adolescents (12-20 years). Factor analysis was used to calculate/establish the internal consistency of the measurements for substance use, SCARED and SCIQ. For all measurements, Cronbach’s alpha was higher than .80.
Hierarchical regression analysis was used to test the model. No significant interaction effects were found of GAD*dummysex, PD*dummysex, SP*dummysex. The variables SP and VII correlated significantly and positively with substance use.