Persoonlijkheid en het zelfbeeld van jongvolwassen vrouwen: Welke rol speelt social media gebruik?
Social media is a popular medium with young adults and
is used to present themselves online and to maintain
social contacts. Female young adults have shown higher
frequency of social media use and value the social aspect
of social media more than male young adults. But what
drives these adults to use media in a certain way and
what does this mean for their self-image? This research
focused on exploring the relationship between personality
types extraversion and neuroticism and the self-image of
female young adults between the age of 18 to 25, and
what the moderating role is of social use of social media,
specifically Instagram. It was expected that extraverted
young adults had a positive self-image due to high
frequency of social use of social media, which colludes
with a high level of self-confidence and a low level of
social comparison. Neurotic young adults were expected
to have negative self-image due to low frequency of
social use of social media, with a low level of selfconfidence
and a high level of social comparison. An
online survey was conducted with 81 females. It
appeared that social media had no significant moderating
role, which means that social media had no significant
effect on the relationship between personality and selfimage.
Personality type was significant on self-image of
female young adults. Future research can contribute to
an increase of knowledge about the relationship between
personality and self-image of young female adults and
the role of social media within this relationship.