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dc.contributor.advisorLindert, dr. P.H.C.M, van
dc.contributor.authorHaren, I.J.W. van
dc.description.abstractThe predominantly rural communities of the Bardiya and Bajura district have a heterogeneous population that includes different and distinct values and norms that are related to their culture and ethnicity. The impact of a sanitation program as the GSF program will therefore be dependent of the synchronization, harmonization and unison between the priorities, demands and needs of the local communities, their cultural values and approaches towards sanitation use, and the planned changes from the GSF program connected agencies regarding sanitation and hygiene. Identifying specific local demands, values and differences between communities and between sanitation development approaches will provide a framework for a more successful project implementation and sustainable sanitary future. This regional framework has been established through performing a livelihood analysis survey and observations in the respective districts and through interviews with stakeholders in the sanitation and hygiene sector
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.format.extent20036110 bytes
dc.titleImproving Sanitation and Hygiene for Rural Households in Nepal. Feasability and Implementation of the GSF program in the Bardiya and Bajura district
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsSanitation, Hygiene, Bajura, Bardiya, Nepal, GSF, rural development, SHMP.
dc.subject.courseuuInternational Development Studies

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