De betrokkenheid van allochtone ouders en autochtone ouders - Verschil tussen allochtonen en autochtonen bij jeugdvoorgeleidingen
Background: This present study examines the difference between the involvement of the parents of Dutch children and the parents of immigrant children, at the pre-trial detention hearing before the youth court judge. Method: An observation list is used to measure the involvement of the parents at the hearing. During this study 21 court observations have been conducted. Results: In line with the predictions, there is a difference between the behavior and the attendance of Dutch and immigrant parents. Conclusions: There is indeed a significant difference in the attendance of the parents. The Dutch parents are often present at the pre-trial detention hearing. Furthermore there is a difference in the behavior, but this doesn‟t mean that there is also a difference in the involvement of the parents. Keywords: youth court, parents, immigrants, involvement, children.