Holography of Spin Currents
The aim of this thesis is finding the expression for the spin current
in a holographic setup. In order to derive the spin current we need
to impose holography i.e. AdS/CFT correspondence. We need to de
fine what the spin current is or at least what the model that mostly
imitates the spin current is. The first part of the thesis is focused on
giving the basics of the gauge/gravity duality and give some examples
of its application. The second part of the thesis focuses on using that
dictionary to find the spin current and calculating various physical
quantities as correlation functions. The derivation of the spin current
is going to be implemented by the bottom-up approach. To derive the
spin current we need to define the motivation i.e. inspiration for de
riving the spin current from the chiral anomaly and the gauge/gravity
duality corresponding to the massive gauge field that will represent
the bulk dual of the axial current.