Categorical Quantum Mechanics - constructing the category of homogenous cones
Category theory provides a unifying language to reason about diverse structures in
mathematics and physics. Its foundational perspective proves especially potent for
describing and generalizing frameworks in physical systems, such as those mod-
eled by Generalized Probabilistic Theories (GPTs). This thesis bridges categorical
thinking with the study of homogeneous cones, which serve as a central mathemat-
ical representation for state spaces in GPTs. Specifically, we establish a categorical
equivalence between the category of homogeneous cones equipped with an order
unit and the category of T-algebras. This equivalence highlights the power of cate-
gory theory to not only organize known physical structures but also to suggest novel
pathways for reasoning about physical phenomena and theoretical generalizations.
These results reinforce the role of categorical methods as a natural and powerful
toolkit for modern theoretical physics