Sensory Processing and Coping in Adolescents with ASD Symptoms in the Netherlands and the Effectiveness of the "Prikkelbalansgroep"
Background: Effective interventions for adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and issues with sensory processing (SP) and maladaptive coping strategies are limited. Altrecht developed a new intervention, the 'Prikkelbalansgroep', aimed at reducing stress and sensory overload while increasing adaptive coping strategies in adolescents with ASD symptoms. Aim: This study examines whether adolescents with ASD have atypical SP and use maladaptive coping strategies, and if there is a relationship between these variables. Additionally, the effectiveness of the 'Prikkelbalansgroep' on SP and coping strategies is examined. Finally, the study assesses whether the intervention adequately addresses SP and coping. The results are crucial for improving and developing the 'Prikkelbalansgroep'. Method: Fourteen adolescents (Mage = 20.1, SD = 3.4) with ASD symptoms completed the AASP and UCL questionnaires before and after the intervention. Results were compared with norm groups to determine clinical significance, and pre- and post-intervention measurements were analysed using effect sizes. A protocol evaluation form was developed, and three adolescents were interviewed to share their experiences and effects of the 'Prikkelbalansgroep'. Results: Participants exhibited on average more deviations in SP and maladaptive coping strategies. Relationships between aspects of SP and coping were found. The effect study showed a significant increase in sensory avoidance behaviors (d = -.94) but no significant changes in coping strategies. However, interviews indicated the effectiveness of the 'Prikkelbalansgroep'. Conclusion: This study provides insights into SP and coping strategies in adolescents with ASD symptoms and valuable information on the intervention's impact on SP and coping, allowing for protocol improvement.