Fighting Stigmatization of Survivors of Sexual Exploitation of Children: An Exploratory Mixed-methods Case Study of the School for Justice
The goal of this explorative case-study was to present an understanding of potential
working elements and conditions for interventions targeting stigmatization of SEC and to
formulate implications for the School For Justice (SFJ) case to actuate their theoretical
framework. This is relevant since little research exists on this subject. After performing a
literature search and interviews with staff and students of the SFJ (N = 8), four potential
working elements (PWE) and three conditions (PC) with underlying dimensions were
synthesized. The four PWE’s are: Change Agency, Holistic Intervention, Awareness Elements
and Peers destigmatizing Peers. The three PC’s are: Non-judgemental Environments,
Trauma-informed Care Context and Input Survivors. Most findings from the interviews
validated, restructured and rephrased the findings of the literature study, but some added new
insights, such as the dimension Graduate Involvement. The SFJ can take the findings of this
research to further develop their theoretical foundation. More research on interventions
targeting stigma surrounding SEC is necessary to establish a broader theoretical framework.