The Psychometric Properties of the Life Project Scale among Brazilian Adolescents
The existing literature includes distinct psychometric measures designed to assess life projects, such as “The Life Project Scale for Adolescents” and “The Life Project Reflexivity Scale”. However, these measures are domain specific and fail to examine the consistency of LPs’ intentional structures and actions. To overcome these limitations, the Life Project Scale (LPS) was developed. Despite research on the LPS’s psychometric properties in adults, its psychometric properties in adolescents remain understudied. Goal: The purpose of this study is to assess the psychometric properties of the LPS among Brazilian adolescents. Method: The study comprises 468 high school students between 14 to 19 years old. Validity and reliability evidence is established through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), reliability assessment, and ceiling and floor effect assessment. Measurement invariance models compared the sample of this study with a sample of adults Results: The LPS well-fitted the data, demonstrated good reliability, and no floor or ceiling effects were observed. Additionally, the LPS showed scalar invariance across adolescents and adults. Discussion: The study provides strong evidence for good psychometric properties of the LPS among Brazilian adolescents. The LPS has proven to be a valuable tool for researchers to understand de development of LPs in adolescents. Future research should continue to investigate the applicability of the LPS across diverse cultures and demographics to further validate its utility.