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dc.contributor.advisorPieters, Roland
dc.contributor.authorVingerhoets, Damian
dc.description.abstractMultiple virtual screening methods were used to find non-carbohydrate ligands for cholera toxin B. Cholera toxin B is the binding component of the cholera toxin, which causes the cholera disease. To combat this cell-binding and thereby blocking the disease causing toxin A from entering cells, inhibitors are made. These inhibitors are however based on relatively complex carbohydrates. Carbohydrates have pharmacokinetic properties which makes them unsuitable and rather complex for drug use. Therefore we screened a large database of molecules using structure based screening and similarity screening techniques to find non-carbohydrate ligand candidates.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.subjectVirtual screening for non-carbohydrate molecules to find candidate inhibitors. These inhibitors are possibly less complex, easer to synthesize and better pharmacokinetic properties.
dc.titleVirtual screening for non-carbohydrate inhibitors for cholera toxin B
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsvirtual screening; cholera; non-carbohydrates
dc.subject.courseuuBioinformatics and Biocomplexity

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