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dc.contributor.advisorMoreno, Kattia
dc.contributor.authorSánchez Rubio, Iván
dc.description.abstractThe Russo-Ukrainian War has dramatically reshaped the global energy landscape, with significant implications for Germany's green energy transition. Amidst rising energy prices and heightened geopolitical tensions, this thesis explores how these events have influenced German public opinion on renewable energy, nuclear power, and the urgency of moving away from fossil fuels. Central to this study is the question: How has the Russo-Ukrainian War altered public perceptions of energy transition policies? Utilizing a difference-in-differences analysis of panel data in an ordered logistic regression, the research reveals that the war has exacerbated negative views on the green energy transition, though these effects are lessened among those who view Russia as a significant threat. The findings highlight a dual impact: the energy crisis has underscored economic concerns, reducing the perceived benefits and urgency for the transition, while also emphasizing the geopolitical benefits of renewable energy for energy independence. Furthermore, the war has accelerated a shift towards a less critical perception of nuclear dangers. These insights underscore the need for policymakers to address public concerns about energy security and enhance communication strategies to support the green energy transition, providing key insights to guide energy policies amidst ongoing geopolitical conflicts.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.subjectThe thesis explores how the Russo-Ukrainian War has impacted German citizens' attitudes toward the green energy transition (Energiewende). It examines shifts in public perceptions of renewable energy, nuclear power, and the urgency of transitioning from fossil fuels, using a Difference-in-Differences analysis of panel data. The study finds that the war heightened negative views on the energy transition but also emphasized the importance of renewable energy for energy independence.
dc.titleImpact of the outbreak of the Russo-Ukrainian War on German citizens' attitudes towards the green energy transition
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsRusso-Ukrainian War; Energiewende; Panel Data; Green Energy
dc.subject.courseuuEconomic Policy

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