The Impact of European Central Bank Communication Tone on Sovereign Bond Yields
The European Central Bank’s (ECB) communication strategy plays a vital role in
shaping market sentiment and guiding investors’decisions. This study aims to quantify
the tone employed during ECB monetary policy press releases and examine its impact
on sovereign bond yields across Eurozone member countries. Utilizing advanced
computational linguistic techniques, specifically the VADER sentiment analysis tool in
Python, the study measures the sentiment conveyed in these communications. In
addition, an event study approach is employed to provide better insight into the
immediate effects of the ECB’s tone on bond markets.To capture the effects accurately,
two models were employed: a standard regression model and an autoregressive
conditional heteroskedasticity (ARCH) model. This dual approach addresses potential
heteroskedasticity and ensures robust results. The research findings reveal a positive
correlation between an optimistic ECB tone and increased sovereign bond yields in core
economies, such as Germany and the Netherlands. Conversely, for intermediary
economies like France and Italy, and peripheral economies such as Greece and Portugal,
a positive tone results in a narrowing of the yield spread relative to German bonds.
Greece, in particular, exhibits the most significant reaction to changes in ECB
communication tone. These results underscore the importance of ECB communication
in influencing financial markets and offer valuable insights for policymakers and
investors aiming to navigate the complexities of the Eurozone's economic landscape.