De samenhang tussen domein algemene- en speficieke vaardigheden en (automatic) mapping bij kleuters
Background: This study focuses on the mathematical development of pre-schoolers. The aim of this study is to clarify the relation between domain specific and domain-general (mathematical) skills and (automatic) mapping of pre-schoolers. It is expected that there is a relation between the Size Congruity Effect and automatic mapping of children. The SCE provides information about the extent to which there is automatic mapping. It is also expected that number knowledge, inhibition and the visuospatial sketch pad correlate with automatic mapping and Size Congruity Effect. Participants: In total, 255 pre-schoolers have participated in this study (130 girls and 125 boys). Method: A two-time measurement has taken place, in which the children performed five mathematical and working memory tasks. Five of these tasks were investigated in this study. Results: There is a significant correlation between Size Congruity Effect and automatic mapping. Number knowledge and inhibition are related to the Size Congruity Effect and automatic mapping, in contrast to the visuospatiel sketchpad. Conclusion: It appears that number knowledge of pre-school children is a significant predictor of automatic mapping, and number knowledge also changes the Size Congruity Effect. The suppressing of a dominant stimulus (inhibition) also affects the SCE and automatic mapping. The visuospatiel sketchpad does not correlate significant to automatic mapping, contrary to the hypotheses.