City Networks in Practice: City Deal Energieke Wijken and Local Energy Transitions in the Netherlands
Cities play a crucial role in addressing climate change, both as significant contributors and as victims of its impacts. In the Netherlands, the City Deal "Energieke Wijken" aims to enhance the effectiveness of local energy transitions by fostering collaboration among municipalities, national government bodies, and other organisations. Despite the increasing focus on transnational municipal networks (TMNs) in urban climate governance research, there remains a notable gap in understanding the effectiveness of national city networks, especially those involving mid-sized and smaller municipalities. This study addresses this gap by investigating the influence of the City Deal on the effectiveness of local energy transition governance in participating municipalities. The research examines three key areas: the supportive functions provided by the City Deal, its influence on multi-level governance dynamics, and areas for potential improvement. Findings indicate that the City Deal significantly enhances municipal governance capabilities through extensive knowledge exchange, fostering a dynamic learning environment, and promoting vertical, horizontal, and cross-sectoral collaboration. The City Deal helps municipalities overcome structural challenges they encounter regarding energy transition governance in the Netherlands, by facilitating a platform in which they can share best practices, innovative solutions and collectively advocate for change in policies and schemes to the national government. Vertically, it improves relationships between municipalities and higher administrative levels, ensuring alignment with national policies. Horizontally, it fosters city-to-city collaboration and cross-sectoral integration, promoting integrated approaches that link environmental goals with social benefits. However, challenges such as capacity for smaller municipalities and network inclusiveness were identified. To address these issues the study recommends clearer formulated end goals, implementation guidelines, increased support for smaller municipalities and enchanted mechanisms for ensuring equal participation. In conclusion, the City Deal “Energieke Wijken” improves the effectiveness of local energy transition governance by providing essential support and fostering collaboration across different governance levels.