D-branes in String Theories with spontaneously broken Super Symmetry
In the context of String Theory, orbifold compactification has proven to be
an effective method for breaking supersymmetry (SUSY) [1]. Specifically,
freely acting orbifolds can be tied to spontaneous SUSY breaking, and the
description on the closed string sector has been thoroughly studied [2]. This
thesis aims to explore the effects of freely acting orbifold compactification in
the open string spectrum. We first show that the orbifold compactification
works as a projection on the spectrum of the non-orbifolded theory, where
projection makes the spectrum invariant under the orbifold group action.
Then, we link this result to a Scherk-Schwarz dimensional reduction that
shifts the masses of all charged fields in accordance with the projected spec-
The main examples will be a D9-brane, for its simplicity, and the D1/D5
brane system. This system is closely linked to black hole solutions of the low
energy supergravity, and in the last section we give predictions as to how
the orbifold projection acts on the low energy worldvolume CFT and thus
the black hole theormodynamics in the system with broken supersymmetry.