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dc.contributor.advisorFaber, Carel
dc.contributor.authorBoer, Arjan de
dc.description.abstractLet $\M_{g,n}$ and $\overline{\M}_{g,n}$ denote the moduli spaces of smooth and stable curves of genus $g$ with $n$ marked points respectively. We introduce and study these spaces. In particular, we are interested in their cohomology groups. There is an action of $\S_n$ on $\M_{g,n}$ and $\overline{\M}_{g,n}$ permuting their marked points, which extends to an action on the cohomology, making them $\S_n$-representations. Moreover taking advantage of the fact that -depending on the chosen cohomology theory- the cohomology groups are also mixed Hodge structures or $\ell$-adic representations of $\Gal(\overline{\Q}/\Q)$, we can determine several motivic Euler characteristics using point counts over finite fields. We introduce local systems $\V_{\lambda}$ on $\M_g$ given by a partition $\lambda$ of $n$ into at most $g$ parts, and investigate the motivic Euler characteristic given by the sheaf cohomology with coefficients in $\V_{\lambda}$. Calculating the trace of Frobenius on these Euler characteristics then gives information on the existence of non-tautological cohomology on $\M_g$. For $g =4$ and $q=2,3,4$, we attempt to detect non-tautological cohomology using these trace calculations.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.subjectCohomology of Local Systems on the Moduli Space of Curves
dc.titleCohomology of Local Systems on the Moduli Space of Curves
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.courseuuMathematical Sciences

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