Effectiveness of Diversity and Inclusion Interventions for Enhancing Organizational Innovation - A Systematic Literature Review
This thesis focused on what kind of diversity and inclusion (D&I) interventions are effective in enhancing organizational innovation. Through a systematic literature review 15 studies were selected for full-text screening. These studies have been analyzed on the many forms of diversity, the interventions that were discussed and whether these contributed to organizational innovation. No answer on the research question can be drawn because the articles did not to discuss connections between intervention and organizational innovation. Furthermore, while interventions were found to have both visible and invisible diversity differences, visible differences were highlighted more explicitly. It was not indicated whether different types of diversity and innovation are related. The included articles did not cover all aspects of a planned analysis however, the literature consistently recommended a systematic approach to develop and implement D&I interventions based on six crucial elements. Further research should focus on verifying this methodical approach and its effect on organizational innovation.