Nuclear Receptors in Immunity: Molecular Mechanisms of GR, PPARγ and LXR in Inflammatory Gene Regulation
Nuclear receptors are known to be involved in many processes in the metabolism,
reproduction, cell growth and immunity. Several nuclear receptors are indispensable factors in
immune cells and modulate the inflammatory response by gene transcription. In this thesis we
will focus on different mechanisms of inflammatory gene regulation of nuclear receptors. We
will discuss the different mechanisms involved in gene regulation and describe the proposed
models of gene (trans)repression in more detail. Furthermore, we will enlighten the molecular
mechanisms of the glucocorticoid receptor, peroxisome-profilator-activated receptor γ and
liver X receptor. These nuclear receptors are currently the most important regulators of the
inflammatory response, which are most extensively studied. Reviewing, understanding and
combining these important inflammatory gene regulating mechanisms of all three nuclear
receptors might give insight into new treatment possibilities for certain diseases related to the
immune system.