A critical review of single-cell RNA-seq methodologies in comparative studies of non-bilaterian metazoans.
This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the literature on single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq)
studies across non-bilaterian metazoans, focusing on the methodologies used in these studies from scRNA-seq data
generation, analysis, and comparative methodologies. Highlighting the evolution of experimental methodologies,
such as the transition from well-plate based to droplet-based technologies, this paper discusses the different
computational tools used to analyze data from these methods and how these tools evolve over time. Also, this
review discusses the importance of consistency of methodology used across studies to facilitate cross-species
comparisons, and how databases can facilitate future comparative studies. This review highlights the importance of
robust homology methodologies in comparative single-cell analysis and contributes to a deeper understanding of the
evolutionary trajectories of multicellularity in early metazoans.