De Kwaliteit van de Broer/zus Relatie op Internaliserende Problemen Gemodereerd door Geboortevolgorde
Aim. The purpose of the current study was to examine the extent to which the quality of the sibling relationship in terms of warmth and conflict is related to internalizing problem behavior in adolescence and whether it is moderated by birth order. Method. The data is collected through the use of questionnaires. The quality of the sibling relationship in terms of warmth and conflict was measured by the Sibling Relationship Questionnaire. Adolescent internalizing problems were measured by the Youth Self Report. The data is collected by questioning 560 adolescents between the age of 11 and 19. Results. A hierarchical regression analysis was conducted. The results shows that more warmth in the sibling reltionships is associated with less internalising problems. In addition firstborns show more conflict in the siblings relationships than did later borns. The effect of the quality of the sibling reationship on reporting internalising problems is not moderated by birth order. Conclusion. Warmth in the sibling relationship is an inportant element in reducing / preventing of internalising problems by adolescences. Family interventions should focus on fostering warmth in the sibling relationship Explanations and implications for further research are discussed