The Algorithmic Reimagination: exploring critical making with algorithmic tools in new media art
This study examines the creative potentials of algorithms and how AI tools may be utilized by
media artists to reappropriate them from tools of discrimination to tools of liberation. Through a
case study and a critical making assignment, key findings regarding AI affordances are
identified and related to appropriation in creative practice through the lens of play theory. AI
affordances offer a range of possibilities for creative practices, which, when creatively
appropriated, redefine the values and purposes of algorithms. The reflective capabilities of
algorithms allow for deeper reflections on societal issues, making media art a powerful platform
for addressing algorithmic bias and sparking critical discussions. Insights derived from critical
inspection of tools and creative practices are used to develop the notion of the algorithmic
reimagination. Algorithmic reimagination is a notion that embodies skills and attitudes that seek
to challenge the dominant logics of algorithms and open pathways for actions. By embracing the
spirit of play and imagination, artists can engage with algorithmic tools to provoke discussion,
while envisioning a more just and equitable future. This paper highlights the significance of the
algorithmic reimagination in shaping the narrative and impact of algorithms in contemporary
society and in paving the way for a more inclusive and ethical AI culture from the domain of
media art.
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