The Mangrove Platform Technology: Optimization and Integration of a Preheating System
Planet is an Italian startup aiming to tackle afforestation in dryland areas, leveraging saltwater sources as a sustainable solution. This report centers on my role in the company, tackling a bio inspired analysis of ideas to optimize the Mangrove Technology Platform. Our chosen strategy involved the design and integration of a preheating system. Throughout testing, this preheating system encountered various challenges, including the inability to reach the most efficient water temperature stipulated in literature. Simultaneously, we conducted an array of experiments, altering unit configurations with the introduction of wick material and reducing its flow rate. The most promising results emerged when incorporating wick material, decreasing the flow rate to 1 L/h, and feeding the units with a water temperature of 65 degrees Celsius — the maximum achievable temperature with the system's current layout constraints. This work shed light on how to proceed with the next steps for the optimization of Planet’s technology.