A Step Towards an Inclusive Social Impact Assessment Process
The Masang II Hydropower Project, will be constructed in Western Sumatra. To assess and mitigate the projects impacts, Royal HaskoningDHV has been appointed to conduct the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA). In my research I assisted them developing effective and culturally appropriate mitigation measures, addressing the impact on affected vulnerable groups. The findings of the study revealed two affected vulnerable groups: Women and Non-landowners. Gathered data highlighted various vulnerability aspects including income inequality, gender-based division of labor, and power imbalances within the domestic realm. While conducting this research I have taken a closer look at the level of inclusivity in contemporary social impact assessment, looking for possible improvements. I recommend allocating substantial resources to identify all vulnerable groups in the project area and gather sufficient data through appropriate channels. Also, equal attention should be given to both social and environmental aspects during the ESIA process. The inclusion of Gender Impact Assessment should be paramount to addressing vulnerabilities faced by women and recognizing their socio-economic positions in these kinds of big scale development projects. A comprehensive perspective, incorporating both local customs and international guidelines, can lead to and inclusive development initiatives that could yield bigger support of populations and governments.