Right-Wing Populism and Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in EU
This study investigates the connection between a strong entrepreneurial ecosystem and the prevalence of right-wing populism in the European Union (EU). Analyzing secondary data from the European Nuts-level election database and the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem (E.E.) Index, the study reveals that regions with thriving entrepreneurial ecosystems tend to exhibit reduced support for populist parties. This implies the potential of entrepreneurship in mitigating the rise of right-wing populism. Acknowledging inherent limitations in secondary data and focusing on the EU region's dynamics, the study offers insights for policymakers, researchers, and practitioners. It further suggests future research directions, emphasizing an exploration of how the entrepreneurial ecosystem influences populism through specific channels and mediating factors. Additionally, the study highlights the importance of investigating the impact of populism on multinational enterprises, indicating the need to understand how economic strategies interact with populist challenges. This multifaceted approach contributes to a deeper understanding of the complex relationship between entrepreneurship, populism, and socioeconomic dynamics.