A method for patient inclusion for audio and video recordings in healthcare studies
With the increasing administrative burden and shortage of healthcare staff, there is
a growing need for an intelligent solution. Care2Report is such a solution that aims
to automatically report a medical consultation with the help of speech recognition by
audio (and video) recording a consultation. To train and improve the Care2Report
system, much more data from different healthcare domains is needed. There is no
suitable existing method to gather such recordings ethically and concisely. This
research proposes a method to gather informed consent for audio and video recordings in healthcare studies called the PaCAR method. The PaCAR method was
constructed by using a design science framework and is presented by means of a
Process Deliverable Diagram and multiple Business Process Models. The problem
environment was investigated by means of a literature review and observations. We
designed the treatment based on observations and a case study including two protocols from Nivel and Monash University. The treatment was then validated and
improved during a case study at the University Medical Center of Utrecht at the
Pre Operative Screening outpatient clinic where patients come to get a screening
when they will undergo surgery in the not-too-distant future. During two months,
143 recordings were made with a 90% consent rate. It was found that the number of
days patients had to consider their participation had a significant relationship with
their willingness to participate (p=0.035). Before starting with the case study, a
number of agreements needed to be made and courses needed to be completed, this
research extensively elaborates on those. All responsibilities and the ownership of
the different deliverables are explained. The PaCAR method can be used to obtain
audio and video recordings from a research point of view.