Surfing & Snacking Content on Social Media: The Constructivist Definition of Digital Junkfood.
Digital Junkfood is introduced in this study as a concept analogous to edible junk food, referring to content consumed on social media platforms that contains similarities to junk food consumption. This study aims to develop a comprehensive understanding of Digital Junkfood by adopting a constructivist perspective, recognizing the subjective nature of user perceptions. Through an exploratory research approach, the study investigates user perceptions and experiences regarding Digital Junkfood. The data collected from this experiment was processed using the three steps of coding in grounded theory. The findings of this study reveal that Digital Junkfood can be seen from a constructivist viewpost as users described diverse subjective perceptions and experiences with Digital Junkfood. Moreover, three fundamentals were found to define Digital Junkfood in a constructivist way: content elements, evoked feelings, and behavioral responses towards Digital Junkfood. These fundamentals encompass the diverse perceptions and experiences among individual users. This study contributes to the understanding of Digital Junkfood and its potential implications for compulsive and addictive social media use.