Taking responsibility for my motivation and insecurity during my master thesis: a tool focusing on soft skill development on Blackboard
This research looks into the possibility of a supportive tool on a Learning Management System to guide students through their master thesis by focusing on soft skills. This research consists of a literature research, as well as a survey and interviews with students. Various problems are encountered during the writing of a thesis, according to literature and confirmed by students themselves. These problems mainly refer to overarching subjects, such as planning, motivation and insecurity. These are closely related to soft skills, which are not only necessary to increase one’s employability, but also to apply knowledge and conduct a thesis research, for example. Writing a thesis means going through one Action Research cycles, which exists of the phases: planning, acting, observing and reflecting. Developing soft skills to contribute to these phases could benefit from Self-Regulated Learning. This could be enhanced through guidance and confirmation from supervisors or peers. The results of this research comprise a suggestion for the functionalities of such a supportive tool on the Learning Management System Blackboard. These functionalities meet the needs of students to solve their issues, by enhancing affiliation, motivation and decreasing insecurity. Furthermore, the tool provides functionalities on feedback and guidelines. Reflective functionalities are not received as positively, but this is a great first step for future research.