Exploring the Relationship between Government Decision Transparency and UU Students’ Endorsement of Covid-19 Measures
This study aimed to investigate the impact of two types of transparency, namely decision
process and decision rationale transparency, on the endorsement of Covid-19 measures. A
survey was conducted among Dutch students from Utrecht University, providing them with
information about a hypothetical new Covid-19 variant and ten measures that had been
implemented by the government to combat it. The survey then assessed their endorsement of
these measures. The respondents were assigned to four groups, receiving decision process,
decision rationale, both, or no transparency manipulations. A repeated measures ANOVA
compared the groups on Covid measure endorsement, and looked into their response patterns
across the ten measures. The results indicated that the transparency manipulations did not
have a significant effect, either individually or in interaction with each other, on the Covid
measure endorsement. However, an interesting finding emerged regarding one specific
measure: the communication about (booster) vaccination for students and staff. Contrary to
expectations, lower endorsement was observed in conditions where decision process
transparency was provided, compared to conditions where it was not. This study underscores
the need for further investigation to determine the existence of the transparency effect and its
specific contextual factors. Lastly, suggestions for improvements in future research are made.