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dc.contributor.advisorMontone, Maurizio
dc.contributor.authorGulkan, Omer
dc.description.abstractThe economic potential of developing countries is a subject of hot debate. But how much of that potential comes from social and political progress? In this research paper I investigated the effects of sociopolitical progress on GDP growth in developed and developing countries. The findings reveal that sociopolitical progress statistically significant in predicting economic growth in developing countries, whereas the effect is insignificant in developed countries. These findings highlight the importance of sociopolitical development in driving economic growth, particularly in developing countries. Hence, developing countries can tap into this potential by focusing on improving judicial systems, freedom of speech, wealth distribution, and human development
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.subjectInvestigating the effect of sociopolitical developments effect on real GDP growth by varying the level of economic development. The argument is that developing countries stand to benefir more from this kind of progress just as developed countries did in the past
dc.titleAnalyzing the Impact of Political and Social Factors on GDP Growth: A Comparative Study of Developed and Developing Countries
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsEconomic Growth, Governance, Development, Panel Data
dc.subject.courseuuBanking and Finance

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