Environmental and technological advantages and disadvantages of Floating Photovoltaics in the Netherlands
The increasing energy demands, fast depletion of fossil fuels and the need to decarbonise are encouraging the rapid deployment of renewable energy in the Netherlands. A promising new technology to assist in this regard is Floating Photovoltaics (FPV), which can be deployed in both inland waters (freshwater FPV) and at sea (offshore FPV). However, since this is a new technology, there is limited knowledge about its technological performance and environmental impact. Nonetheless, it is important to have more knowledge order to eventually implement these technologies on a large scale. Hence, the objective of this research is to enhance our understanding of the technological performance and environmental impact of FPV systems in the Netherlands.
The technological performance of FPV systems was evaluated by comparing the energy yield, cell temperature and windspeed of a Land Based PV (LBPV), freshwater FPV and offshore FPV system. The environmental performance was assessed by examining the impact of the FPV system on water quality and ecology, specifically on the phytoplankton, macro-invertebrates, and fish. Additionally, the interaction between the FPV system, weather conditions, and environmental impacts was examined.
Previous studies on freshwater FPV were mainly based on assumptions and models. In order to validate or improve these assumptions and models, a case study was conducted for this research, evaluating data on the technological performance and environmental impact of a freshwater FPV system. When data was not available, it was supplemented with literature research. No data was available for offshore FPV. Consequently, a literature review was conducted, supplemented by semi-structured interviews.
From the results becomes clear that the technological performance of freshwater FPV is higher than the performance of a land based system. The main challenge for freshwater FPV is to minimize harmful effects on the environment related to the effects of the decreased light availability under the platform. At a depth of 1 meter, the light intensity beneath the FPV system is reduced by 25%, resulting in decreased algae growth below the system. The reduced light indirectly correlates with lower oxygen levels beneath the panels, creating less favourable conditions for fish and other aquatic life. This issue is particularly pronounced in December when the oxygen concentration in lakes is naturally low.
The main challenge in offshore FPV is to enhance system design to ensure reliability and economic viable system in the future. If successful, offshore FPV is expected to have a higher energy yield than land based systems, can be implemented on a larger scale compared to freshwater FPV and has less risks for the environment.
This study revealed that both freshwater FPV and offshore FPV can contribute to the Netherlands climate objectives. However, to enable their broader implementation, further development of both technologies is necessary.