The (in)Visible Hand of the Holy See
The thesis is about the influence of the Holy See on Dutch politics between 1903 and 1929. This is researched by answering the main question: to what extent did the Holy See use soft power to influence the political position of Dutch Catholics between 1903-1929? This question provides insight into the academic debate surrounding the concept of power by testing the conceptual clarification created by Joseph Nye through historical research. In addition, this research also provides depth to the historical debate surrounding the relationship between the Holy See and Dutch Catholic politicians. A link between the Holy See and Dutch politics between 1903-1929 is visible in the objectives of the Holy See, as defined in their encyclicals, and the reactionary actions of Catholic politicians in the Netherlands. This relationship is visible in Dutch newspapers, House of Representatives meetings, and political party programs. The research demonstrates the complexity of testing soft power against the backdrop of political realities. Soft power is difficult to differentiate from hard power in many cases, and the presence of soft power elements do not always guarantee political influence.