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dc.contributor.advisorVandoren, S.J.G.
dc.contributor.authorManos, Konstantinos
dc.description.abstractThe past and the future are tightly linked in conventional quantum mechanics by unitary evolution. Perhaps too tightly in an expanding spacetime. A tweak to the theory could let quantum possibilities increase as space expands. The tweak corresponds in replacing unitary quantum mechanical time evolution with a nonunitary isometric one. Cosmological expansion points into this direction since new degrees of freedom arise during the time evolution. We motivate this hypothesis from two different approaches, all in 1 + 1 spacetime dimensions: (i) the net entanglement entropy produced by toy and cosmological models is increasing in time, (ii) the Lorentzian path integral for a finite elements latticization gives non-unitary isometric time evolution for a scalar and possibly a fermionic field.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.subjectThe thesis is about quantum mechanical time evolution in a expanding geometry. It turns out to be isometric and non-unitary and this is motivated by two different approaches. One with toy and cosmological models and one with latticization of spacetime.
dc.titleNon-unitary Isometric Quantum Mechanical Time Evolution in Cosmology
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.courseuuTheoretical Physics

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