The further development and implementation of the Quality Assurance and Pharmacovigilance activities of MSD Animal Health
Due to the merger of MSD AH Netherlands and MSD AH Belgium/Luxembourg divisions, the following problem arose; MSD AH Benelux now applies different ways of working, as different protocols now exist in the one business that is now known as MSD AH Benelux. Compliance to European and local legislation is adhered to, but internal ways of working could be improved since the merger of 3 country operations into 1.
By managing risks, it came forward that focusing on the following projects would benefit MSD AH Benelux in these problems.
Project 1: Reimbursement process
Project 2: Vetpen return process
Project 3: IDAL return process
Project 4: Devices and Product Quality Complaints (PQCs) Project 5: GDP – Returned Goods Process
For all projects, the existing local procedures were identified, analyzed, improved, taking into account the different relevant stakeholders that were involved. To clarify most processes, flowcharts were made in addition to easily have an overview of the logistics that were entailed with each process.